While things have changed quite a bit for businesses over the past few weeks, we have been so impressed by how everyone has pivoted their models to transition to the new normal of social distancing. We’ve been watching how some of our favorite businesses make changes in order to respond to this time of crisis, and if you’re running out of ideas to keep in touch with your customers, we hope these creative promotions help.
Bulk Gift Card Discounts
Gift card promotions are a great way to boost your business’ sales now and increase your traffic in the future. Creating a discount will encourage customers to buy, too—consider offering an amount off if they purchase a certain amount, or offering a bonus gift card for every threshold they hit. It’s extra helpful if you can do digital orders or curbside pickup for a low contact option!
Free Delivery With Certain Purchases
If you’re one of the many brands that have pivoted to doing a delivery program for customers in your area, consider adding a promotional deal on top of that so customers are more incentivized to order. Adding free delivery when a certain order threshold is met or a particular item is bought can help you drive sales and make sure you’re moving any specific items you would like to sell, too.
Grab-and-Go Kits
Experience is a big reason why people visit restaurants or recreational events, but with grab-and-go kits, you can help people recreate these experiences right inside their own homes. This is a great opportunity for restaurants that serve things that can easily be recreated at home such as pizza, or businesses like craft studios that could sell an at-home paint kit paired with a virtual class. Getting creative can help you make an impact here and help customers create memories that involve your brand even from a different location.
Host Virtual Events
If you’re in the event space (or even if you’re not) virtual events are a great way to still engage with your customers online. Whether you do an Instagram Live video or a full-on webinar, provide value to your customers by creating something they can tune into and enjoy.