Fall is truly in full swing, and whether you’re #TeamPumpkinSpice or #TeamAppleCiderDonuts (personally, we’re both), it’s a delightful time of year! As the temperature and the number of daylight hours both go down, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared for the season ahead…both in your wardrobe and in your marketing efforts.
For many businesses, the holiday season is the busiest time of year—but before all of the Christmas campaigning starts, it’s important to make sure you’ve properly processed what you’ve learned in the past year and prepared adequately for what’s ahead. Here are some great tips your business can implement right now to bring a fall warm-up to your marketing efforts.
How to Warm Up Your Marketing Efforts for the Fall Season
Get More Personal in Your Email Marketing
Cooler weather is all about coming together with the people in your circle, and it’s smart to incorporate that mindset into your email marketing as well. Investing in personalization for email campaigns is something that can seriously pay off, but studies show that most marketers are only doing the bare minimum. Consider ways that you can up the personalization factor, whether it’s hosting a “superfan sale” to retarget people who have made purchases in the past, or further segmenting your email lists so that every message can be a little more personal in the coming season.
Add Some Interest to Your Social Media Strategy
One of the biggest draws of social media for marketing purposes is how easy it is to change, test, and tweak new strategies on the fly, so if you haven’t revisited what you’re doing in a while, this is the perfect time of year to do it. Take a look at your past analytics and see if anything stands out—small things like time of day for posts or length of the caption can make a huge difference in your engagement. Now is also a great time to get creative in your content, so you might consider hosting a contest or launching an ambassador campaign to make things more interesting.
Revisit Your Website Design
Investing in marketing efforts is money well spent, but only if the people you are reaching become leads who become customers. One of the fastest ways to lose the interest of a potential customer is to have a bad website, whether that means it’s slow to load, poorly laid out, or just doesn’t have good content. If your website isn’t performing as well as you’d like it to, investing in a better version might be one of the best things you can do for your business. Not only will this help you get the most bang for your buck in regards to your marketing efforts in advance of the holiday season, but it’s also something that will benefit your business tremendously year-round.
Whether you need help with your email campaign, social strategy, website design, or all three, we’re here to help. We’re your one-stop-shop for all digital marketing needs—contact us today to see what we can do!